The GM misses this place too and wishes she and all her buddies had time to play here. Morashtar seems all we can handle. I started playing here...but no one else seemed too terribly interested. Ah, well, maybe next time. I wish Rhia mun would bring Lena back to the Morashtar game and Rhia back here!! Byron needs her and this game loves Rhia!! Hmm...Need to upload the TBV forum pics to our domain since AOL screwed all us AOL lap dogs on the FTP, heh. [chirrup, chirrup] yep the insects are still about, even after all this time.
I waaannnnnaaaa plaaaaaaaaay. -sniff, lip quiver.- Hey you guys. Rhia-mun (or my alter ego---the regal Selenia Decasey-mun) here just whining about how she misses everyone and playing....period. I barely have time to check my emails these days, and that sucks yanno. In the meantime, whilst I worketh enough overtime to possibly conquer the trials of our lovely economy, I dream of days of old. You know, when many of us rp'd 12+ hours straight, 2 hours of sleep, only ready to give it a go again for another 13+ plus hours. (Cast spell....time travel! Har har.) Java injections and permanent keyboard imprints on our foreheads when we skipped doses.
Ah. Those were the days. Drop me a line ppl, and say hey. I'm pining here.